it’s officially spring here
i’ve got my window open just a crack
but the way this season smells is quickly making the rounds.
there are baby buds on the trees outside,
and small white flowers springing from the dirt.
there are birds, scattered and scampering and flitting around and
singing the beautiful songs of spring.
there are flowers outside at the market now.
buckets lined together in short tight rows,
plastic pails filled with water and stems.
there are seeds for sale on the grocers’ shelves
sweet peas and petunias and all kinds of green.
it’s the season of pretty here
and that’s a brilliant thing.
i also wanted to share
some beautiful photos of the apartment where i used to live.
it’s a a place i still occasionally work, but no longer make my home.
it was shot for covet gardens by michael graydon, a name you see around here often
and who happens to also be my partner in crime.
i’ve also been working on writing my recipes down lately,
something i’m still practicing at but am enjoying just the same.
i love this one for sakura candy corn,
and this one for custard doughnuts with rhubarb sauce in issue 21 of covet gardens.
it’ll take longer than the candy corn but it’s well worth the effort!
the doughnut dough portion of the recipe is an adapted version of this jelly doughnut recipe
AND i’ve also got some super fabulous news to share!
i’ll be announcing a new regular contributor here soon.
her posts will be based around travel, recipes and cafes,
and they’re going to be beautiful!
PLUS an HG update soon!
and more big news on the way as well.
that’s all for now, friends.
hope things are swell.
xo, n